Slay the Spire I Have to Beat Silent Again to Unlock the Defect


"Combat automaton which became self-aware. Ancient technology allows manipulation of Orbs."


The Defect is one of iv playable characters in Slay the Spire. In one case was amidst the like of Orb Walkers and Bronze Automaton as i of many ancient automatons, it has since gained sentience and seeks its way out of the Spire. It attacks foes with a high-tech arsenal, array of Powers, and elemental evocations. The Defect has a unique mechanic, the Orbs. Using cards and Relics, The Defect Channels these elemental spheres into a set up of Orb slots, activating their passive effects each turn or Evoking them for a 1-time burst. The Defect starts with iii Orb slots, though cards and relics tin can add or consume them. It starts with 75 hp.

The Defect'southward starting Relic is CrackedCore.png Cracked Core, which Channels 1 Lightning at the start of each combat.

It was added to the beta build in Weekly Patch 22: Testing the Tertiary Character during the early access. It is released to the public, forth with the game and other two characters on January 23rd, 2019.


  • ane Cards
    • i.i Starting Deck
  • 2 Gameplay
    • 2.1 Orbs
    • ii.ii Focus
  • 3 Relics
  • four Strategy
    • General Build Archetypes
  • five Unlocks
  • 6 Gallery

Cards [ ]

Starting Deck [ ]

  • 4 Strike
  • four Defend
  • 1 Zap
  • 1 Dualcast
BlueEnergy.png Defect Cards BlueEnergy.png




Ball LightningBarrageAxle CellClawCold SnapCompile CommuterGet for the EyesReboundStreamlineSweeping Beam


BlizzardBullseyeDoom and GloomFTLMelterRip and TearScrapeSunder


All for 1Core SurgeHyperbeamMeteor StrikeThunder Strike



Charge BatteryCoolheadedHologramSpringRecursionStackSteam BarrierTURBO


AggregateAuto-ShieldsBoot SequenceAnarchyChillEatDarknessDouble Free energyEquilibriumForcefulness FieldFusionGenetic AlgorithmGlacierOverclockRecycleReinforced BodyReprogramSkimStormWhite Noise





CapacitorDefragmentHeatsinksHello WorldLoopSelf RepairStatic DischargeStorm


Biased KnowledgeBufferCreative AIEcho FormElectrodynamicsMotorcar Learning

Gameplay [ ]

Orbs [ ]

Primary commodity: Orbs

The Defect begins with three Orb slots and considers the rightmost Orb to exist the 'side by side' Orb to Evoke. Channelling an Orb inserts it into the rightmost empty slot. If every slot is total, each Orb will be shifted one slot to the right, popping the right-virtually Orb out of its slot and Evoking information technology. If The Defect loses every Orb slot, it can't channel Orbs at all!

Lightning.png Lightning, Frost.png Frost and Dark.png Dark orbs take a passive upshot that activates at the end of the Defect's turn, from correct to left, or oldest to newest. The passive outcome of Plasma.png Plasma activates at the outset of the Defect'due south turn. While these effects are initially weak, The Defect can increase Icon Focus.png Focus and channel boosted copies to sharply increment their potency.

Focus [ ]

Main article: Icon Focus.png Focus

Icon Focus.png Focus is a stat unique to The Defect that affects Orbs the same style Icon Strength.png Strength affects Attacks and Icon Dexterity.png Dexterity affects Icon Block.png Block. Increasing Icon Focus.png Focus increases the magnitude of both the passive and Evoke furnishings of each Orb (except for Plasma.png Plasma). It is possible to reduce Orb effects to 0 by decreasing Icon Focus.png Focus.

Relics [ ]

The Defect has fewer class-specific relics than the other classes, having merely i class-specific rare relic rather than 3 (similar the Ironclad and Silent) or two (like the Watcher). The Watcher has equally few overall, but instead of existence short two Rare relics is short 1 Rare and i Boss relic.

Starting Relic: CrackedCore.png Cracked Core

Common Relic: DataDisk.png Data Disk

Uncommon Relics: Cables.png Gold-Plated Cables, SymbioticVirus.png Symbiotic Virus

Rare Relics: EmotionChip.png Emotion Chip

Boss Relics: FrozenCore.png Frozen Core (replaces CrackedCore.png Croaky Core), Inserter.png Inserter, NuclearBattery.png Nuclear Bombardment

Shop Relic: RunicCapacitor.png Runic Capacitor

Strategy [ ]

The Defect's game plan virtually always involves implementing a long-term plan each battle. By developing Orbs, Powers, and cards with escalating furnishings, the Defect sets upwardly an insurmountable late-game position and then destroys its enemies. This is a radically unlike style from the Silent and the Ironclad, who tend to apply bursts of harm to take enemies out opportunistically.

As a event, the Defect struggles to win with a deck total of "good stuff". While it does have admission to some individually strong cards, they don't present the sheer power that The Ironclad and The Silent bask.

The Defect also has a higher number run a risk-based RNG effects, like Hello Earth, Chaos, andArtistic AI.

The Defect'southward strongly synergistic cards encourage some powerful and well-supported archetypes. Identifying and focusing on ane is a central aspect of the Defect strategy.

General Build Archetypes [ ]

These are the standard types of decks that may give you lot an idea of direction for your deck, or what you want to go for. Keep in mind that none of these builds are mutually exclusive. Many of them are more of a general strategy, which can be adapted or combined into multiple builds in a single deck. This is especially true for the many archetypes of Defect, and oft having two or more than dedicated strategies rolled into i (like Nighttime+Frost Turtle or 0-cost+Negative Focus) will allow your deck to perform more smoothly.

Goose egg Cost

The Defect has a high number of strong 0-price cards, every bit well equally unique supporting cards likeScrape andAll for One and efficient card-draw Skills. Drown an enemy underFTLs, Claws, andBeam Cells. It's sort of like The Silent'southwardShiv builds, but way more back-loaded and visually impressive.

Damage comes from 0-price cards that practise impairment:

  • Hook
  • FTL
  • Beam Cell
  • Go for the Eyes
  • Streamline - requires 2 plays (of ii- and 1-cost respectively) earlier information technology reaches 0 price.
  • Dualcast+
  • Zap+

The Deck so also needs a lot of recycle/card-draw furnishings to go as many of the 0-cost cards in play per plow. The Defect has a lot of great support cards for this type of deck:

  • All for One - the best one for this deck every bit information technology allows you lot to re-play all of your 0-toll cards yous've played in your deck upwards until that point
  • Rebound - allows y'all to double-play cards likeStreamline andClaw to more than quickly ramp up their furnishings.
  • Hologram - reuse All for I, double-play Streamline, or replay a 0-cost card.
  • Scrape - good bill of fare draw that let's you immediately play any 0-cost cards it finds.
  • White Dissonance+ - when upgraded information technology becomes a free ability.
  • Reboot - very good if you already have the core engine of your deck in place.
  • Seek - great for findingClaw, or even improve,All for One.

There are as well some extremely useful neutral cards that either help go 0-cost cards, or are 0-cost cards themselves (or both):

  • Madness - can be hard to become, just if you lot are able to learn it, information technology will greatly speed up your deck by turning your strongest cards into 0-toll cards.
    • two Madness+ with All for Ane and Hologram+ is an space. Apply both madness to reduce All for One and Hologram+ to 0-cost, and use each one to put the other back into your hand.
    • Seek+ makes this easier to pull off. Double Seek+ is even easier, as it allows for iii of the 4 cards to exist put into your manus immediately.
    • BottledLightning.png Bottled Lightning likewise makes this easier to pull off.
  • Swift Strike
  • Secret Technique+/Surreptitious Weapon+ - both of these when upgraded will allow you to get your key cards faster.
  • Panache - every bit you volition virtually certainly be playing more than v cards every turn, this will be a guaranteed ten damage to all enemies every plow.
  • Thinking Alee - upgrade this ASAP so that y'all can reuse it.
  • Violence
  • Metamorphosis
  • Purity - tin can get rid of Strikes/Defends during combat, which, depending on the country of your deck, may permit you lot to go infinite.
  • J.A.X. - a rare card as it simply comes from the Augmenter event, but whatsoever source of strength is a huge benefit for a deck that aims to play many 0-cost attacks every turn. As an added bonus, the bill of fare itself costs 0 and so, if yous have the health for it, can quickly ramp upward your damage to loftier levels in this deck.

Lightning Harm Over Time

The Lightning Orb damage-over-time build tries to channel many Lightning Orbs, boost Focus, and concur the fort with block-granting skills, while the Lightning Orbs' passive wears downwardly the opponents.

  • Electrodynamics profoundly helps you when encountering multiple enemies. It as well channels multiple Lightning Orbs in a single use. It becomes especially powerful with BottledTornado.png Bottled Tornado.
  • Loop speeds up the procedure.
  • Fission+ tin can evoke the accumulated orbs to finish off the weakened enemies.
  • Biased Knowledge's extreme Focus gain, along with FocusPotion.png Focus Potion, take this build to the side by side level.
  • Steam Barrier, Auto-Shields, Boot Sequence and Equilibrium tin aid Icon Block.png blocking damage.

Lightning Evoke

This build tries to Evoke as many Lightning Orbs as possible, chirapsia enemies down eight damage at a time. Unlike other Orb builds, smaller is ameliorate - one Orb slot is optimal to facilitate Evoking.

  • Electrodynamics greatly helps you when encountering multiple enemies. It likewise Channel multiple Lightning Orbs in a single utilise. Information technology becomes particularly powerful with BottledTornado.png Bottled Tornado.
  • Zap+ Channels a Lightning Orb for free.
  • Ball Lightning is an attack that Channels a Lightning Orb. With fewer orb Slot and multiple copies of this carte du jour, information technology can rapidly Evokes multiple Lightning orb for a big amount of damage.
  • Thunder Strike, Tempest, and Bullseye are this deck's premier finishers, dumping huge volumes of damage onto the enemy.
  • Static Discharge can besides exist effective confronting enemy with multiple hits.
  • Employ Consume to reduce the number of Orb slot and boost Focus.

Frost Turtle

The Frost deck Channels as many of the eponymous Orbs as possible to into an unbreakable wall of free Cake. Once the shields are up, The Defect tin can devote every Energy to impairment.

  • This archetype is supported past Blizzard and Glacier, and relies heavily on Focus and Orb slot buffs.
    • Barrage excels in this slot-oriented deck.
  • Capacitor generates Orb slots. two copies should suffice, but you can take more if you desire.
  • Take as many Defragment as possible, and upgrade as many of it every bit you tin can. Focus is even more crucial for this deck as i Focus means 1 additional Icon Block.png Block per channeled Frost orb.
    • Since Capacitor and Defragment are not expensive, has even greater run a risk to allow multiple free cards play.
  • RunicCapacitor.png Runic Capacitor grants 3 additional Orb slots.
  • If you lot take the FrozenCore.png Frozen Cadre relic, it would fill your orb slots with Frost orbs. This would help yous quicken the weak early game.
  • Inserter.png Inserter rapidly generates Orb slots for free.
    • If yous have Inserter.png Inserter, consider taking Consume to aid boost Focus, as information technology tin be repeatedly used and generate a rather large Focus per utilize. Once you have an adequate Focus, you tin forego using it or Recycle information technology abroad.


The Defect can make the nigh of the tricky Nighttime Orb past defending for a few turns while it charges, and then using Multi-Cast, Dualcast, or Recursion to Evoke it multiple times. This archetype isn't also-supported as the others, but the satisfaction of Evoking a 54-impairment Dark Orb three times (or more!) makes it worthwhile. Continue in heed that the Dark orb will target the lowest health enemy.

  • This deck works well with Frost Turtle, as Frost Orbs help generate Icon Block.png Cake and allow you to stall the fight until you are ready to Evoke a Dark Orb.

Energy Greed

The Defect has ameliorate access to Free energy sources than other classes, and at that place's no better way to leverage them than a Falling star Strike, Aggregate and TURBO, and stockpile with Accuse Battery. Dump your Energy into expensive bombs similar Meteor Strike, Sunder and Tempest, describe cards with Skim and fling them at enemies, or make a proficient quondam-fashioned UnceasingTop.png Unceasing Top wombo-combo. When you have vii Energy, anything is possible.

Powers Affair

The Ironclad likes Attacks, The Silent loves Skills, and The Defect completes the cycle with its affinity for Powers. Grab some Force Fields, driblet an Amplify or Echo Form, stack up some powerful effects, and bury the opposition under your cumulative advantage. The BirdFacedUrn.png Bird-Faced Urn is the perfect Relic to recover HP lost while setting upwardly.

  • Creative AI is probably the best card for this deck. It scales amazing with itself and with all of the other ability-synergy cards that The Defect tin get.
  • Dilate - doubling any of your powers tin can be a huge spike depending on what the power is. Good targets for Amplify are cards like Defragment and Capacitor
  • Refine the deck by using Powers to fill the roles of Attacks and Skills. Consider Static Discharge and Storm your impairment-dealers, Buffer and Self Repair your Blockers. The Powers deck'due south win condition depends on the particular Powers you acquire. Most builds volition stack up Orbs, but some use Attacks and others but lean on Creative AI and allow the Powers do the work. The MummifiedHand.png Mummified Manus can become really useful with a power deck.


Anarchy randomly Channels an orb for one price, including Plasma, normally a two toll. Upgrade Chaos and pair it with Defragment and draw cards and promise to Evoke enough Plasma and Frost orbs to survive the next round.


This ambitious archetype deploys efficient cards with debilitating drawbacks, and attempts to finish the battle earlier the consequences arrive. TURBO and Steam Bulwark provide inexpensive resources, and Hyperbeam or Biased Cognition bring big impairment, and each incurs a significant long-term price. If the Defect can slam the door before the Statuses overwhelm it, the player enjoys a quick, decisive victory that doesn't requite enemies much time to deal damage.


This deck centres effectually the three major cards: Avalanche, Capacitor, and Defragment. If you want to go more value off of your orbs. The point of this deck is to acquire as many orbs every bit possible using cards such as Glacier and Chaos and and then unloading a ton of damage using Avalanche.

  • Other cards that are useful are Trip or Beam Prison cell, to practice maximum damage with Barrage. Also Hologram or Seek, to find Barrage more consistently.

Snecko Eye

This build makes use of SneckoEye.png Snecko Eye, paired with the defect'south high impact cards.
  • The defect has several extremely powerful but expensive cards like Fusion, Echo Form, Sunder and Meteor Strike. By taking SneckoEye.png Snecko Eye early on enough, you can focus on these cards for absurdly high-value turns. Many of these effects volition generate more than energy than they spend.
  • All for 1 and Hologram can fetch cards which had their price set to 0 the last time you saw them, even if they would normally be quite expensive.
  • Most of the Defect'south 0-cost cards are expressionless weight in this classic, and then information technology is important to abode in on it equally early as possible. If you don't get SneckoEye.png Snecko Eye from Neow or the showtime boss, pick a different strategy.

10 Card Infinite

With this build, the defect is capable of going infinite against near opponents.
  • Getting the deck down to ten cards allows for setting upwards 4 carte du jour infinite cycles with Skim and negative cost cards.
  • Fusion, Meteor Strike, TURBO (with Recycle), Recursion, Dualcast tin combine in various ways to get negative cost.
  • Hologram or a 2nd Skim can be used to restart the bike.
  • Case set: Skim+, Hologram+, Fusion+, Dualcast+. Skim draws Hologram, Fusion and Dual Cast, Fusion and Dual Cast make 4 free energy, Hologram retrieves Skim. Nets 1 free energy and five block, can substitute whatever attacks in for Fusion and Dual Cast after energy is congenital up.
  • 2 Coolheaded+ and Fusion+ can make infinite cake, and channel an arbitrary number of Frost orbs for Blizzard.
  • Information technology is important to but have cards that are either Powers, Exhaust, or are directly part of the combo while edifice the deck, since the goal is to get the total number of cards down under x. Recycle can handle junk put in the deck and help sparse information technology out if its not quite down to 10 cards.
  • Boot Sequence is very helpful as a gratis method of preventing impairment during the get-go plough while the space philharmonic is being set upwards while exhausting itself out of the deck to aid enable the combo.

Negative Focus

A deck that repeatedly plays Reprogram to rapidly scale upward your Strength and Dexterity, ignoring Orbs entirely. All you need to get-go the deck is a copy of Reprogram, preferably early in Human action 1.
  • Upgrade Reprogram as soon as possible, and you'll gain +ii Strength and +two Dexterity every time you cycle through your deck. You but really need the one copy, only cards similar Seek or Skim can assistance you go to it faster.
  • Hyperbeam deals massive AoE damage, and y'all can ignore its only downside.
  • Steam Bulwark also finer loses its downside, since you'll be gaining Dexterity faster than Steam Bulwark loses Cake.
  • A few copies of Hologram+ let you reuse Reprogram, repeatedly play Steam Bulwark in an emergency, or recover copies of each other, scaling upwards your Block as needed. Your high Dexterity volition easily make upwardly for Hologram'southward low Block.
  • All for I strategies fit well with this deck, since spammable 0-costs like Claw and Beam Cell scale well with high Strength. It can too recover your Steam Barrier.
  • NuclearBattery.png Nuclear Battery is a good option, since Plasma Orbs don't scale with Focus.
  • If you're willing to commit to this at the offset of your run, taking Neow's offer to bandy your starting relic for a boss relic could be benificial.

Unlocks [ ]

The Defect itself is unlocked by completing a run with The Silent.

Unlock Number Prizes Unlocked
1st Rebound, Equilibrium, Echo Course
2nd TURBO, Sunder, Meteor Strike
3rd Hyperbeam, Recycle, Core Surge
4th Cables.png Gold-Plated Cables, Turnip.png Turnip, RunicCapacitor.png Runic Capacitor
fifth DataDisk.png Data Disk, SymbioticVirus.png Symbiotic Virus, EmotionChip.png Emotion Chip

Gallery [ ]


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